Who, What, Why

Who Are We?

GPI is the leading not-for-profit trade association representing the combined interests of the engineered graphics and identification industry.

From the smallest company to the biggest institution, the members of GPI are the thought leaders and decision makers in their industry. We have been growing steadily since 1951, serving member needs and fostering communication among our members.

What Do We Do?

Some of our member companies’ trademark products help OEMs — from large corporations to small companies — enhance brand value. Other times, an overlay or label makes products, services, and applications safer or easier to use. Every product identification product adds value and is an important component of millions of manufactured products.

GPI, as an association, is dedicated to promoting the benefits of the engineered graphic and product identification industry and to encourage the association’s growth through innovation and dialogue.

Through networking events, newsletters and news updates from member companies, we regularly share best practices, discuss industry and market challenges, and form a strong collective of problem-solving agents of innovation.

Manufacturers/Industries Served

Our member organizations provide an array of services across the spectrum of the product identification and specialty graphics industry. Our members typically are either manufacturers or suppliers to manufacturers within the industry of product identification, including companies that graphically decorate metal and plastics.

Types of industries we serve include:

  • Automotive
  • Avionics
  • Consumer
  • Food Service
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Military
Why Join GPI?

The benefits to membership and access to our elite and diverse group are many, and include:


Positively Impact Your Business

GPI membership helps you to promote your products, ideas and services among an exclusive segment of industry peers and leaders.


Stay Informed

GPI membership helps you to promote your products, ideas and services among an exclusive segment of industry peers and leaders.

Publishing. GPI publishes a newsletter, the Communique, which contains current news and developments concerning our member companies; articles on business management; technical articles on materials, processes, and industry trends; new member profiles; and environmental and legislative updates. The GPI Economic Advisor is a monthly newsletter that provides members with relevant economic information and data that decision makers use to grow and lead their businesses.

Statistics and Trends. Whether you’re looking for an immediate solution or a forward trend, the answer often lies in data. For example, GPI publishes the industry’s only Financial Performance Survey, distributed prior to the Annual Meeting. Culled from data collected from an annual fiscal survey — and with a response rate of more than 50% — the results offer timely and valuable industry information. Also available to Corporate members is a monthly book to bill survey, which provides participating companies with a three month trailing average of booked and billed orders.


Make a Difference

We help move our industry forward, collectively. The strength of our membership, comprised of senior-level management and leaders of our industry, is in making decisions and changes every day that literally affect the landscape of products used across multiple industries, nationally and internationally.

Increased Profits. As the industry’s leading association, your potential customers often call us first. Your partnership in GPI will help you cast a wider net, creating opportunities for your products and expertise.

Showcase. Become a GPI meeting or Web sponsor. GPI offers a year-long program to showcase your products and services on our website.

Promotional Support. Is your latest innovation ready to change the industry? Wish more customers knew about it? GPI will help you place your white paper, how-to article, or other editorial piece. Our relationships with key trade journal editors foster a profitable partnership.